Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Coffee Shop Millionaire - You Think It's a Scam?

Allright so I’ve been receiving A LOT of emails about the product called coffee shop millionaire. People want to know if the product is legit or if it’s total bullshit. Obviously, having the word ‘’millionaire’’ into the title can starts some alarms. Well I’ll give you a good insight about what the product is actually about and if it’s useful or not.

What is the product about

The product is about how to start making money online. It’s not about completing surveys, it’s not about writing for companies. It’s not about reputation management. All in all, the product is meant to show you the basic on affiliate marketing, period. Speaking of that, don’t get fooled by the title. You won’t start to work in coffee shop and make your first million.

For which kind of person CSM is actually built?

Coffee shop millionaire has been built to help the newbies. If you’re racking 100$ a day already, it might not be for you.  The program gives you all the information you need to actually understand what affiliate marketing is, and how to benefit from nice opportunity. In total, there are 12 different modules covering different aspect of internet marketing. For 37$, it’s a nice investment to get to know all the possibility you can take online. 

Just to name a few:

  • ·         Email marketing
  • ·         Article submission
  • ·         Video Marketing
  • ·         Affiliate marketing
  • ·         Local Marketing

Well, what a lot of people told me is that there is a LOT of information in that program. That being said, it can sometimes be a little too much if you don’t keep yourself well organized. You really need to focus on one aspect at a time, or else, you might be overwhelmed and you won’t achieve anything online. Also, another comment that came to my ears a lot, is that the support forum isn’t worth SHIT. So if you expect a cool community to help you out in your business venture, you better forget it. The product gives several good informations and methods, but do not count on the community part to help you out. Other than that, people loved it because it’s not a 1 method product. It teaches a lot of stuff, so you can skip the techniques that don’t suit you.

The bottom line :

Pros :
  • ·         Easy to use
  • ·         Valuable informations
  • ·         Easy way to get into affiliate marketing
  • ·         Easy way to earn your first Bucks online

Cons :
  • ·         Community aspect non-existent
  • ·         Can be a bit overwhelming for beginners

In conclusion

Coffee shop millionaire wont makes you a millionaire. It is a nice product that will give you all the tools you need to achieve your first online project. Like everything, you need to put dedication into this. Just buying the product won’t make you any money. You really have to work, at least 10h per week to see real result. I wish I would have stumbled on something like that when I first started working online. It would have saved me so much time. Anyways, I really hope that you’ll make your first bucks online with it.

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